Halibut Fishing on 09-02-2012
Last trip of the year didn’t fare so well this year with the Peavy Party on Sunday, September 2nd.
Last trip of the year didn’t fare so well this year with the Peavy Party on Sunday, September 2nd.
The Menning, Dorman, and Allaire Party had an awesome halibut catch on a beautiful day, September 1, 2012. Canadian Sylvie Allaired showed everyone up. Great job Sylvie!
Kaiser and Tubbs Party knew they could catch halibut in the rain without any difficulties whatsoever with Captain John and Deckhand Rachel.
MacKinnon 4 and Mr Keough went halibut fishing in the cold waters of the Kenai Peninsula on a warm Tuesday afternoon. Short-sleeve weather made Mike a happy deckhand.
Gazalaska Party and Rick McShane with their halibut catch on August 28th.
Beautiful day for halibut fishing for the Newton Party on August 25, 2012 with Captain John and Deckhand Rachel.
The Haligo and Carpenter Party enjoyed a fun day of halibut fishing on Monday, August 20th, 2012.
Moretz Party and Bob with their halibut catch on August 19th with Captain John and Deckhands Brian and Rachel.
Steve Lovley Party with their nice halibut catch.
SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS PHOTO?…..No!!! That is a Sockeye salmon hanging among all those halibut. Lee Daniels and family chartered with Capt Rusty and Mike.
MORE HALIBUT!!! Taking another charter this summer before heading to the Lower 48, Army Officer Buchanan and the “Fishing Four” pose with their catch.
Rhonda and Mike Witt did a great job fishing and catching this 100 lb plus halibut!
Tremain and Bauman Party enjoyed another fine day of halibut fishing with Captain Ken and Deckhand Rachel, as well as with Deckhand Brian.
The Kings and McNichols enjoyed a day of halibut fishing with Captain Ken and Deckhand Rachel.
Fowler, Thompson, and D&R Party enjoyed a fun day of halibut fishing with Captain Ken and Deckhand Rachel. Happy Birthday Arlene!
Tremain and Bauman Party from Wisconsin enjoyed an early morning of halibut fishing with Captain John and Deckhand Rick on the HERS boat.
Dr. Lanza’s Staff caught some nice halibut on the SOLO boat with Captain Ken and Deckhand Mike.
Dr. Mario Lanza and his staff were awesome fishermen on this trip on the HERS boat with Captain John and Deckhand Rachel.
Cater and Matter Parties went halibut fishing in Cook Inlet with Captain Ken and Deckhand Mike.
Westbrook Party with a very nice halibut catch.